
Faith Boot Camp

This category contains 4 posts

Celebrating Jesus’ Birth with Joyce Meyer

T.M.O.F. celebrates this upcoming Christmas and New Year by putting things in proper perspective.  Check out a message from Joyce Meyer as she encourages us to enjoy the holidays in light of it’s true reason:  the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Faith Boot Camp: Creflo Dollar Demands Evidence

T.M.O.F. presents an article from one of the world’s greatest teachers, Dr. Creflo Dollar.  He is the founder and senior pastor of World Changers Church International (WCCI) in College Park, Georgia, which serves nearly 30,000 members; World Changers Church-New York, which hosts over 6,000 worshippers each week; and a host of satellite churches.  Perhaps known best for his practical approach to the Bible, Dr. Dollar has encouraged thousands to pursue a personal relationship with God.  So grab your Bible with a pen and paper, and let’s gear up to receive the evidence of our faith.

Where’s Your Evidence?

By Creflo Dollar

In a court of law, evidence can mean the difference between prison and freedom, life and death. In the spirit realm, faith is the evidence that guarantees the promises of God. It is the force that connects you to prosperity, which includes healing, deliverance, emotional wellness, and overall success. The word faith is often used interchangeably with hope, but they are two different sides of the same coin. Some people may sincerely believe and hope God will help them, but nothing happens without faith.

The difference between faith and hope is that faith is now; hope is always looking to the future for fulfillment. Hope says, “God is going to do it,” while faith says, “God has already done it.” Faith is in the present tense. It is the substance that fills hope, making what you hope for a reality.

The Word says, “… faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). Substance is “physical material from which something is made,” and evidence is “something that indicates,” or “an outward sign.” Faith is the evidence, or proof that something of substance is available to you.

There are a lot of Believers who have good intentions, yet they experience failure in their lives. Because they do not understand faith, they do not know how to operate in God’s system. This person will never get real results because of what he or she does not know! Every Believer should know that faith is the Word of God, and it only works with love as its foundation.

Imagine you need money for an expense, and you want God to “work a miracle” on your behalf. You can choose to cry, feel sorry for yourself and say, “I’m a good person. Why doesn’t God just help me?”, or you can choose to operate by faith, believing God has already provided for you. Since God is love, He desires to help, but without faith it is impossible to please him. Crying, begging, hoping, and praying will not provoke Him to get involved in your situation. Faith works by love; and self-pity, worry, and doubt are rooted in fear—the opposite of love. These negative emotions will short-circuit your faith and put the desired results on hold.

God’s way of doing things is founded on faith, so it is the only way we can expect to receive from Him. We must have confidence in His Word and refuse to doubt and waver in our stance. When we believe and act on what we know to be true, we are sure to experience the manifestation of our faith.

You may be thinking, I’ve been blessed in the past without knowing the Word of God. This is probably true, since God is merciful. But now that we know the truth, He expects us to operate according to faith.

God’s Word is full of promises to us. From healing to deliverance, everything we need to live a life of peace and prosperity is available to us. However, if we do not know what the Word says, we have no substance, no evidence, and no faith! You have the right to be healed, happy, wealthy, wise, and free from every type of oppression. Learn your rights and start presenting your evidence to God!

I want to encourage you to increase your time in the Word of God. Read, research, and endeavor to gain understanding from the Bible by using a dictionary, concordance, and any other resources you can find. Once you find a promise in the Word, it belongs to you, and you have a responsibility to go after it. You do not have to beg and plead, just present your evidence and believe God keeps His promises. Get started now!

Scripture References:Hebrews 11:1 Hosea 4:6 Hebrews 11:3 Galatians 5:6 Hebrews 11:6 James 1:6

For more articles by Dr. Dollar, please visit  www.creflodollarministries.org.

Faith Boot Camp: Jerry Savelle’s Got Seed on His Mind


T.M.O.F. is happy to share a devotional from Dr. Jerry Savelle.  Since 1969, Dr. Savelle has been traveling the world teaching people how to win in life.  God has used him to impact people who are burned out on religion and who have backslidden in their walk with God, as well as Christians who have a need to hear the Word of God presented in terms applicable to their lives, dreams, and destinies.  Enjoy learning the principals of how to reap from being seed-minded.


Topic: Being Seed-Minded
Author: Jerry Savelle
Verse(s): Galatians 6:7-9
Confession: “I am seed minded because You, Father, are seed minded. I’ll plant to the harvest I want to receive.”
God has declared, in the book of Genesis, that as long as the earth remains, seedtime and harvest will not cease (Genesis 8:22). The earth itself operates on this principle. Everything we do on thi s planet depends upon that one central rule. That’s how the earth is populated, by seedtime and harvest. Whatever the field of endeavor-finances, agriculture, industry, medicine, education, ministry-it all works on the same fundamental principle that what is sown (invested) is what is reaped (produced).That’s how we grow spiritually, by planting seeds. We give and it is given to us. We give love, and love comes back to us. We show ourselves to be friendly, and we reap friends. We give understanding to others, and we receive understanding. We listen to others, and in turn they listen to us. We give out the knowledge we have gained, and God increases that knowledge.That’s why I say that it is foolish and wrong for a person to say that he will start giving to God as soon as the Lord has made him rich. That is like a person expecting a fireplace to give off heat before he throws in any wood in it to burn. That’s going at life backwards.

We all know that to get water from a pump, we must first prime the pump. We must pour into life if we expect to get anything out of it. If you want to prosper in mind, body and spirit, then learn to sow generously into the lives of others. Whoever you are, whatever your desired harvest, you will reap just what you sow.

“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not” (Galatians 6:7-9).

Notice the first part of verse seven; it warns us about being deceived. It is highly important that we not allow anybody to deceive us into thinking that we can reap (receive) anything that we have not first sowed (invested in faithfully and consistently). The Phillips translation of the next part of this verse says “a man’s harvest in life depends enti rely on that which he sows.” Verse nine counsels us not to become weary in our sowing, because if we keep it up long enough, we will reap.

Of course all this is based on the assumption that we are sowing good seed. Our harvest will be whatever we sow; therefore we must be careful about the kind of seed we plant. If we want health, we must sow seeds of health. If we want prosperity, we must sow seeds of prosperity. If we want love, we must sow seeds of love. Good crops are the result of good seed planted in good soil.


For more devotionals, please visit www.jerrysavelle.org daily.  You’ll be blessed!

Getting the Most Out of the Communion Table

T.M.O.F. is excited to present an amazing colunmist, Swit.  We are so blessed to have such wisdom and insight to the things of God.  Enjoy a powerful lesson on how to access the power of the communion table.


A Place for Covenant Exchange

Our Supply

The strength of the communion table that the Lord prepares is He is the God of our supply.  He is Lord over every need we will ever have and the very source of our lives.  So when He prepares our table, He brings the fullness of what we need, what we are searching for, and the direction of where we are going.

Our Own Personal Table

The table that’s prepared before us is based on where we are, what we need, and our exact situation.  It is tailored for us.  He doesn’t just prepare “a” table; he prepares it specifically for us.  In fact according to Psalm 23, that’s how He prepares it, before US.

What We Bring to the Table

So what we bring when we receive the Lord’s communion is a careful examination of ourselves, our shortcomings, our needs, so that we can properly put those things on the table and have them settled through communion.  That is EXACTLY the covenant exchange.  You are exchanging His strengths for your weaknesses.  If you don’t empty out your weaknesses, you won’t have room to receive His fullness.  Here, you can tell God exactly what you are thinking.  This is where you engage with one another, at the table, and you make an exchange right there!

Take the Challenge

When you take communion, make some time to study the word of God.   Watch how much more understanding you’ll receive during your alone time with Him.  When you do it by faith and getting in the Word, by telling the Lord, okay God, show me, then you position yourself to receive what He wants to say to you.

And should something come up, an old mindset or distraction, then stand in faith and thank Him that it was settled over the table.  Say, God, I received Your fullness for my weakness, and I remain in faith until I get Your answer and guidance.  What will happen?  Peace will be present, and you will grow as you WALK IN FAITH.  Soon, you’ll realize that you’ve conquered in this valuable lesson:  how to remain in faith over settled situations today, the next day, or the next week.
